Introduction about catalogues, brochures and datasheets
Years of experience in the development and manufacturing of sandwich panels allows APCO Technologies to offer customers a comprehensive portfolio of qualified products and processes as shown in their “Sandwich Panels Qualification Brochure” and “product datasheets” which are available for download below.
Since its founding, APCO Technologies has developed more than one thousand MGSE products meeting very specific customer needs. This unique heritage in Europe enabled APCO Technologies to become the first space company to offer standardized and off-the-shelf MGSE to its customers.
Customers world-wide benefit from APCO Technlogies’ competence and cost-effective approach when selecting from 3 ranges of satellite MGSE products (AT200, AT280 and AT350) which are compatible to any launcher interface for any scientific or commercial spacecraft weighing between 2 to 4 tons.
APCO Technologies’ standard MGSE products are outlined in 3 different catalogues and individually described in product datasheets listed below.
Last but not least, APCO Technologies features an off-the-shelf Mass Properties Measurement System (MPMS) initially developed for the European Space Agency and which constitutes one of the Space Industry’s highest performing systems to measure satellite’s physical properties up to 5 tons.